Wednesday 10 June 2015

Children's Museum Field Trip!

We are very excited to go on our field trip to the Children’s Museum on Wednesday, June 17th! If you have not done so already, please send in the permission slip and $6.25 as soon as possible.

All 3 Kindergarten classes will go on the school bus together. All students need to arrive at 8:40am and will be dismissed at 3:30pm. Drop off and pick up will be in the same spot as normal. If you cannot get your child to school or have them picked up at the appropriate times, please let me know and I will see if I can find alternate arrangements.

Students should wear shoes (not sandals) and comfortable clothing to move around all day. Please pack one snack and a lunch for your child. We will be eating indoors and it is a peanut-free facility.

We are still looking for parent volunteers to join us on the field trip! If you can volunteer, please e-mail me at Thanks!

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